Music as a Tool for Re-Imagination - A Revisit on the Socio-Political Attributes of Music

Music as a Tool for Re-Imagination - A Revisit on the Socio-Political Attributes of Music


Manos Stratis


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Download Scores (.zip) (1.3 MB)

Download Performance Video (.mp4) (509.6 MB)

Download Performance Photographs (.zip) (17.6 MB)


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The purpose of this project is to attempt to transform a culturally charged space into a social space allowing collective re-imagination and collective decision-making between both Performers and Audience. Through the manifestation of an Immersive Live Performance an endeavor to re-train both Performers and Audience members to envision a different normative, away from the predominant, popular and inherent narrative, is going to take place. Through this process, a demonstration of the power of Music beyond entertainment is going to be examined. What are the sociopolitical attributes of Music? Can Music initiate and host an environment that will generate thought provocation as well as question the status-quo? Can Music allow a collective to conceive beyond their socially inherited perception?

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Research Project; Creative Project; Action Researched; Immersive Performance; Multimedia; Political


With Distinction


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), scores (ZIP file containing 5 .pdf documents), performance video (.mp4), performance photographs (ZIP file containing 10 .jpg files).

Music as a Tool for Re-Imagination - A Revisit on the Socio-Political Attributes of Music
