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This creative research intends to link the music with processes of construction of historical memory in Colombia. Proposing from the transdisciplinary musical composition an immersive experience which dialogues with contemporary and popular music horizontally, vindicating the political value that represents the resistance of the people through artistic manifestations often omitted by the interests of the industry. Nourishing itself from the symbolic to propitiate another channel of communication where the intrinsic conditions of humanity inside the stories coming from the war context are not eclipsed by revictimization, cultural appropriation or mainstream culture (among many others monocultures of the mind, consequence of colonial hierarchies) and thus to be able to build bridges between collective and individual memories where identification with the pain and acts of resistance of the other play a fundamental role in the path of reconciliation and construction of memory.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Transdisciplinarity, 360 video, Epistemologies Of The South.
Recommended Citation
Arias A., Juan Pablo. “Weavings of Memory: Transdisciplinary Insight for Musical Creation.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2023.