Summer Whistle

Summer Whistle


Yidi Zhang



Summer Whistle project is a comprehensive music-creating experience that begins with a diverse, innovative, and collaborative songwriting and production camp and culminates in a global collaborative album release, under the A&R theme of Summer Whistle. This project offers an opportunity for beginning artists and emerging artists over the world to adapt to the working pattern of the globalized music industry, develop their professional skills, and expand their audience by the final album release. Meanwhile, to include more diverse music styles in this album, the connection with the Berklee Global Initiative is built. Artists studying at or graduated from the Berklee Global Academic Partners are also represented in this album. This is the first cross-campus collaboration between Berklee Boston and Berklee Valencia which received support from the top faculty members from both campuses. This is also a global collaborative project that represents artists from nine countries: United States, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Austria, Japan, and China.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: one reflection paper, one presentation.

Summer Whistle
