"OFF TO LLC - Feeling Good, Feeling Groovy: Exploring Music Differently" by Dan Attias and Raouf Grissa
OFF TO LLC - Feeling Good, Feeling Groovy: Exploring Music Differently

OFF TO LLC - Feeling Good, Feeling Groovy: Exploring Music Differently



The following business plan details the startup entity OFF TO. Founded by Dan Attias and Raouf Grissa, OFF TO seeks to provide new avenues for artists, listeners, and cultural institutions to explore in the new music environment brought upon by COVID-19. OFF TO will capitalize on the burgeoning need to accommodate new kinds of live experiences in the post-pandemic world through our unique offerings. We aim to record, film, and broadcast shows in carefully selected locations around the world, then make those experiences available in tangible, physical forms. Our core tenant is to showcase the perennial relevance of jazz music through the visual prism of cultural heritage sites and landmarks, and to keep the heartbeat of jazz live while providing unique experiences to consumers and listeners. By providing new spaces for music performances to occur, OFF TO will offer creative solutions for artist looking to perform and reach new audiences. OFF TO has the capacity and potential to grow in this new environment, and although the livestreaming market is competitive and particularly cluttered at present, OFF TO sits in a unique position to capitalize on recreating some of the lost value of live performance.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: one business plan, one reflection paper.

OFF TO LLC - Feeling Good, Feeling Groovy: Exploring Music Differently
