Executive Producer & Content Curator INO CON 2020

Executive Producer & Content Curator INO CON 2020



After the COVID-19 Pandemic and worldwide lockdown happened, forcing the music industry’s live sector to stop, our previous project - the EU DIY Musician Conference - got canceled. In an attempt to have at least one event that could showcase Berklee Valencia talent, host keynotes and panels with topics that were helpful for Berklee students and for the music industry, a group of students from the GEMB program alongside their advisors Alexandre Perrin and Pablo Munguıá created a whole new event that was going to be held online. The very first official online Berklee event: INO CON INO CON was 3-day virtual music and tech conference, in collaboration with Berklee College of Music, streamed globally. The conference featured lectures, workshops, multimedia performances, and networking opportunities so attendees could look at innovative ways on how to move forward in their careers. On July 8th, 9th, and 10th of 2020, INO CON hosted more than 20 hours of content, 600+ unique registrants, more than 40 online sessions, and gathered music industry professionals from all over the world. In pursuit of innovation, INO CON became more than a project, but an opportunity to learn, grow, and enjoy music and knowledge when the only stage was your screen.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: one outcome paper, one reflection paper.

Executive Producer & Content Curator INO CON 2020
