Harutek Records
My project was the creation and execution of an experience based label. I was inspired of this concept after Benji Rogers came to speak to the GEMB class about Pledge Music platform. It seemed to me to be a perfect concept, inviting the the fans of an artist to have access to the creative process. This way the fan is engaged in the process from the beginning to end and revenue is guaranteed throughout the production process instead of solely relying on the end product to yield a profit. I wondered why no label had attempted to tap into profit on the front end in this manner, with the right artist (say Beyonce or Justin Bieber) a label could easily make an killer and inspire brand loyalty while facilitating a sense of intimacy between fan and artist.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Brown, Keturah. “Harutek Records.” Master's Project, Berklee College of Music, 2017. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-global-entertainment-business/269

Project Components: one outcome paper, one reflection paper.