"TEDx BV 2017 as an Artistic Work" by Maria de Luna Visa
TEDx BV 2017 as an Artistic Work

TEDx BV 2017 as an Artistic Work


Download Operational Paper (.pdf) (467 KB)

Download Reflection Paper (.pdf) (356 KB)


The September 28th, 2016 I was notified that I got selected, together with Taylor Tobak, to be the Creative Coordinator of the TEDxBerkleeValencia’17. The excitement was unmeasurable. I knew that taking care of a worldwide recognized event was going to be an incredible experience. I still remember the first Business Seminar class in Sala E in which we saw an amazing TEDxBerkleeValencia video. Was since that moment that I wanted to be part of the team in charge of organizing such incredible event. I told Emilien my intentions on our first meeting, and I almost prayed for it (if I didn’t make it). Before TEDx, my only experience with music live events was as musician. I wasn’t able to imagine all the work that needs to be done to make an event a reality. But the TEDx creation started, and I had to learn quickly.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: one operational paper, one reflection paper.

TEDx BV 2017 as an Artistic Work
