"A Business Plan for Thailand Music Export (TMEX)" by Mariah Mu


Mariah Mu


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The project presents a comprehensive business plan for 'Thailand Music Export (TMEX)', a proposed entity envisioned to propel the growth of Thailand's burgeoning music industry. Drawing from the recent global recognition of Thai artists and the proven models of established and emerging music markets, the project aims to bridge the current gaps in the industry – lack of financial backing, insufficient understanding of the global music landscape, and dearth of platforms for international exposure. TMEX, as a government-backed organization, will focus on 'Music Export Activities' and 'Industry Development', facilitating the international projection of Thai artists and establishing a robust industry infrastructure. The project anticipates that TMEX's implementation will not only cater to the local music industry's pressing needs but also stimulate related sectors such as tourism and the broader creative industry.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Thailand Music Industry, Music Export Office, Industry Development, Business Plan, Thai Artist

A Business Plan for Thailand Music Export (TMEX)
