
Anna Nikoltchev


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This project is a business plan, divided into three adjacent services, targeting B2B live music industry clients.

The first service, Queration, is a venue-fan and promoter-fan communication app, sold to venues and promoters, who then make it available to concert attendees. It offers four core features: The app provides information about the event and venue. It allows to survey fans anonymously about their concert experience, their music consumption habits and their opinions on the artist performing. There is a function for emergency alerts to be sent to venue security. It also offers the possibility for fans to directly communicate with the event organizers.

The second service, Queration+, is an optional add-on to the Queration base app, offering a digital queuing system to fans, facilitating crowd control and minimizing the time fans spend outside of venues.

The third and final service, Queration Trends, is separated from the previous two and sold to all artist-affiliated music industry parties. It presents the survey data from Queration, as well as the location and queuing data from Queration+. It allows to draw important conclusions on the artist’s superfans and anticipate future challenges at shows, and opens the door for potential partnerships with surrounding businesses.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

