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The following pages comprise the Business Plan of an artistic entrepreneurial project in the form of a podcast. The theme revolves around the concept of “Careers only make sense in hindsight”, compiling the rare sight of stories of unsuccess from successful people who do not fit the regular status quo (women, LGBT+ people, non-white) in the entertainment industry. By Entertainment Industry it is understood any consumable creative piece (music, movies, TV shows, influencing, fashion trends) and all fall within the notion of Popular “Pop” Culture. The hardships of ‘making a living’ from this industry are of common knowledge, and it is often that the public is only able to witness the positive highlights (from a traditionally Anglo-Saxon capitalistic framework) of this type of public career. For newcomers and professionals in it, it induces anxiety, for consumers, it hardens their perspective. This series intends to showcase a different side; the unglamourous. A combination of the theme “breaking down the industry” and a word play on the concept of “Pop Culture” as a verb, bring the name Popping the Culture.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Briones, Berta. “Popping the Culture, the Podcast.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2023.