Eclipse: Of myth, music and finding the way back home

Eclipse: Of myth, music and finding the way back home


Kesivan Naidoo


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The premise of my culminating experience rests on the idea of life as a journey throughout which we learn to actualize our gifts. On this journey or the quest for being fully alive, we receive guidance, go through struggles and join forces with others. The process through which we evolve is not straight-forward but rather cyclical. We must ask questions and get lost at times, and the answers we receive are only the next plateau from which new questions emerge. However, with each answer, with each return, we evolve. Many of life’s experiences can be transformed through music. Where fiction and magic, politics and dreams, visions and struggles come together, music can become the lens through which to see the world, clear the path, and convey a message. The plan for this project was to create a super-hero graphic novel with each chapter of the novel to be interpreted by musical compositions and improvisation. My trajectory was to tell a story through music which follows the rites of passage of the main character. Each step he takes represents a stage on his journey and is interpreted musically.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), audio files (ZIP file containing 7 .wav files).

Eclipse: Of myth, music and finding the way back home
