Capturing Myself

Capturing Myself



I wanted to capture and share myself with my different kinds of emotions. Like Writing my diary. I liked this concept because there is nothing to fake myself and I can be honest with my meaningful moments. My goal was to present my own musical and human character like presenting my own microcosm to people who are listening to my music. Because I feel grateful when I give people joy, consolation, and encouragement through my words or actions, I wanted to make my music that give a good influence toward healing people. As time goes by while in this process I notice I have so much diverse feelings inside as a human being and as a musician I needed to share my diverse feelings and communicate with people as capturing my self through my composing and performance works. At the same time during this process I wanted to challenge myself through this project to make my musical level higher and also to develop my humanity.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files).

Capturing Myself
