The Wake-Up Call: Sacred music in a Secular World

The Wake-Up Call: Sacred music in a Secular World



The project "The Wake-Up Call. Sacred Music in a Secular World" is my attempt to answer the questions "Can I reconcile my calling as a musician with my calling as a man of faith? Can these two become one vocation?" The project consists of six compositions based on the early 18th-century church music from my home country Poland called "Gorzkie Zale". This historical source provided melodies that I arranged for a quartet consisting of the piano, the bass, the trumpet, and the percussion. In the recording studio, the band was set up in a circle, which created an intimate, meditative environment and allowed freedom of individual expression while maintaining an element of collective prayer. The goal of the project was to bring awareness of the historical and cultural value of Gorzkie Zale to an international audience, as well as to include my faith in the music I create and to redirect my purpose, from executing the notes towards creating a unified, spiritual experience.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files), scores (.pdf).

The Wake-Up Call: Sacred music in a Secular World
