The Ancestral Call

The Ancestral Call


Jose Soto



The “Ancestral Call” is the name of the project. I think of this project as a movement to supporting the rescue of the Bribri culture in Costa Rica through music inspired by my journey of its spiritual, and philosophical life perspective. Bribris are the first Costa Ricans. They are one of the most prominent indigenous communities in the country, and the majority of them live in the city of Talamanca, in the south of this country. I found that this community didn’t have the word music. The closest word in Bribri to these words is "Tt.́k." This word means talking in the ritual language, and thus Bribris speak with their gods and spirits who live in the underworld (nature) to create a spiritual connection with nature (underworld). The closest resemblance of how "Ttok" can be understood in our society is the act of singing. For this reason, this was a unique experience for me. I decided that my artistic representation of the Bribri culture has to focus on a personal, spiritual, and abstract reinterpretation of what I understood about the Bribri culture translated to music.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 5 .pdf documents).

The Ancestral Call
