Roots across Continents

Roots across Continents


Tomer Sadot


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My project, named "Roots Across Continents”, deals with the exploration of my musical identity and background. I went back to my parents’ and their parents’ origins, Morocco, Poland and Romania which serve as a beacon for Eastern European Jewish music, France which serves as a beacon for Western European classical music and Israel. I researched these musical cultures inte to my and composed/arranged a piece for each. Exploring each of these cultures I deepen my knowledge about my ancestry, learn about the rich musical cultures of my origins and transform that material through my personal scope into musical compositions. This project is the first step of a much longer process of self development and enrichment as a musician and composer.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containign 4 .pdf documents).

Roots across Continents
