Russafa EP
For my culminating experience as part of the Music Technology Innovation masters degree, I have produced an extended play (EP) album under my artist name “Tsunami Tsteve”. The album is entitled “The Russafa EP”. Russafa is the neighborhood in Valencia, Spain where I lived during my academic year at Berklee Valencia, and as such is the place where I officially got my start as an electronic music producer. Also, Russafa is an Arabic word that means “garden”. A garden is a place where one plants seeds, cultivates things, and watches them grow. For me, this album represents me cultivating my production skills and growing as a professional.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video file, one EP (ZIP file containing four audio files), one paper, one presentation.
Recommended Citation
Masterson, Stephen. “Russafa EP.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2015. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/30.

Project Components: one project video file, one EP (ZIP file containing four audio files), one paper, one presentation.