Dawn of the Wylde
Dawn of the Wylde is a compilation of electronic music tracks. These tracks use elements from traditional styles of music such as classical, jazz, tango, and latin rock. These are fused with the darker, dance-oriented genres of trap and dubstep. Some experimental sounds are thrown into the mix when appropriate in order to complement the blend as well.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one report, one presentation, three music tracks (ZIP file of three audio files).
Recommended Citation
Moleiro, Eugenio. “Dawn of the Wylde.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2015. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/9.

Project Components: one project video, one report, one presentation, three music tracks (ZIP file of three audio files).