
Oscar Barbaza


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There is a feedback loop that has existed for thousands of years between the development of our hearing, our emotional indexes of responses to stimuli in our environment, our growing ability to craft our own worlds through this medium via music, and the technology we use to do so. This album is an homage to that process as a response to the current limitations of popular music, the boundaries of genre and the growing polarizations of the cultural contributors to each genre, and the Author’s own experience of being stuck in between many of those polarizations. In order to achieve an authentic result, the Author has re-structured their traditional process of making music, allowing the songs to grow organically.

Each song of this 6-track EP is inspired by a conversation between two or more students from different countries of origin. After this conversation, the Author organized and recorded jam sessions, then took the recordings and arranged them into a song based on the structure of both the song’s concept and the surrounding discussion. Lyrics were added that connected these overarching themes to the Author’s personal journey. The songs were then mixed, divided by interludes of snippets from those original conversations. In this way, authenticity to the concept was ensured throughout each step of the music-making process.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


collaboration, cross-cultural studies, conceptual vignettes, mixed-genre, sound design, lyricism, concept album

What We All Feel
