Sense 6 Project: A New Way of Listening to Music
The objective of the project Sense 6 (S6) is to have a very unique experience while listening to music and to become aware of all of your senses involved in the process. The sense of touch through vibrations; smell, through fragrances; sight, through visuals; taste, through flavors; and hearing, with an original piece of music; to boost the senses into a memorable adventure that will create an amazing number of new possibilities to express and perceive art. S6 brings the artist the possibility to create a complete masterpiece, which means to be able to show the total artistic perception of the composer, and deliver to the public a song with an original and interesting sensorial combination. It is important to add that for the reasons exposed, this experience is also directed to people with any kind of sensory disabilities, offering them the possibility of perceiving a song with their other senses.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one paper.
Recommended Citation
Miguel Castillo, Luis. “Sense 6 Project: A New Way of Listening to Music.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2016. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/52.

Project Components: one project video, one paper.