The Approach of Storytelling Through The Use of Orchestral Music

The Approach of Storytelling Through The Use of Orchestral Music



As one might already know, music has been heavily utilised to accompany various media such as film, videos, video games, and all sorts of visual media content. In this opportunity of the Culminating Experience project, the capstone project to complete the writer’s master’s degree requirement, the author attempted to explore the means of orchestral music as a storytelling medium based on an original storyline. The project utilised a number of tools and resources that are very similar to the ones that are used in a professional music production/film scoring environment, albeit the absence of a video material and having to do multi-task several aspects of the production due to the relatively short amount of music needed to be written. This paper will get through the writer’s process, thoughts, and hurdles in producing an orchestral storytelling piece “The Golden Carrot”.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


music, composition, production, orchestration, film scoring, media, storytelling

The Approach of Storytelling Through The Use of Orchestral Music
