The Quest of Everlight

The Quest of Everlight


YiCong Gao



The Quest of Everlight, is a CE project that explores the symbiotic relationship between film scoring and storytelling, and its potential to enhance cinematic experiences and captivate wider audiences of film music.

Through an in-depth examination of the function and impact of musical narratives in film, the study uncovers the transformative role of film scoring as a language of emotional enhancement.

The research reveals the potential of effective orchestration in rendering film music a more universal and profound medium, emphasizing the capacity of music to accentuate and elevate the emotional landscape of cinema. As such, the paper calls for greater focus on music as a powerful tool in filmmaking, positing it as more than an accessory but as an essential component of the narrative's pulse and breath.

The goal of the study is to encourage a deeper connection with the audience and promote the universality of cinematic narratives through the prism of musical storytelling.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

The Quest of Everlight
