Content Disclaimer
Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.
Teaching the Arts to Students with Special Needs: Session Two, Rhoda Bernard
Universal Design for Learning and the Arts: I, Rhoda Bernard
Universal Design for Learning and the Arts: II, Rhoda Bernard
Universal Design for Learning and the Arts: III, Rhoda Bernard
Art, Music & Recreational Therapy: Incorporating Creative Approaches for Students with Autism, Courtney Carnes, Julie Hopkins, and Erin Witschey
Part One: Strategies for Welcoming People with Autism and Other Sensory Sensitivities, Roger Ideishi and Jan Wintrol
Music, Movement and Learning: Bringing Joy Back to Education!, Mike Longoria
Including Students with ASD In Specialist Classes, Teri McGill
Creating a Meaningful Classroom Data System, Christine Reeve
Preventing Challenging Behavior: Stop Behavior Before it Starts, Christine Reeve
Teaching Independence with Structured Work Systems, Christine Reeve
Website Links
Music Therapy with Specific Populations, American Music Therapy Association
Autism Society, Autism Society
CEC DARTS: Arts Organizations, Council for Exceptional Children
University Students With Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome Network, Judith Karem,
Autism Treatment Center of America, The, The Option Institute & Fellowship
Indiana Resource Center for Autism, The Trustees of Indiana University
National Institute of Mental Health, The, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Wrong Planet, Wrong Planet
Arts for All Abilities Consortium: Resources, Stephen Yaffe
ABLE Assembly Conference Session Materials
Teaching Art to Diverse Students with Disabilities, Jasmine Begeske
Emelyne Bingham: Keynote Presentation, Emelyne Bingham
Modifying and Adapting Music Education Curriculum for Students with High Support Needs, Nadia Castagna
Occupational Therapy, Nadia Castagna and Leah Gregoire