Content Disclaimer

Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.


ABLE Assembly Conference Session Materials

Individualized Artist Success Plan: An Asset-Based Perspective on Dis/Ability, The, Christopher Hall

Inclusion and Diversity at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (MDW): All Stars Inclusive Band, Beate Hennenberg

Traveling Music Teacher's Toolkit, The, Marlene Markard

Blending Music and Art with Evidence-Based Practices: An Arts Education model for Students with Severe Disabilities, Kayla McLaughlin


Celebrating Neurodiversity through Musical Composition, Rory McLeod


RockOnMusicSchool Student Survey: Measuring Success, David Meyers and Marlene Markard

Low-Cost Adaptive Tools & Strategies for Visual Art Teachers, Krisitn Mohan

From Sound to Symbol: Using Devised Notation and Composition in an Inclusive Music Classroom, Sarah Perry

Technology and Music Education What Does Literature Say?, Lisa Pierce-Goldstein


SingAbility: Inclusive & Elemental, Ardelle Ries and Roger Admiral


Homage à R. Murray Schafer: The SingAble Elements Fire Earth Water Air, Ardelle Ries, Roger Admiral, and Thomas Merklinger

The Power of Play: Effective Strategies for Teaching Drama to Learning Challenged Populations, Shea Schatell

Song in Everything: Using Musical Improvisation to Empower Diverse Learners, Timothy Simmons

From Monograph to International Movement: Music Assisted Learning Across the Life Span for Students with Autism Spectrum and Related Disorders, Elise S. Sobol


Making Arts Programming Accessible, Kaileigh Anne Tayek

Yoda- The Youth Orchestra with Different Abilities, Sofija Zlatanova