Developing A Curriculum For A Contemporary Music (Jazz) Performance Undergraduate Program in Uganda

Developing A Curriculum For A Contemporary Music (Jazz) Performance Undergraduate Program in Uganda


Chris Weigers


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The stated goal of this Culminating Experience is to create a Contemporary Music (Jazz) Performance curriculum designed for Uganda and that such a program is relevant to the students who will be enrolled. This curriculum will outline and describe courses created for the program. It will give a sample course load by term over a three-year bachelor’s degree program. This will be accompanied a description of expected outcomes for all students completing the program. Emphasis is given to the integration of traditional African music and instruments with Western styles and instruments. This is a technical reason why the program must be designed for use specifically in Uganda and East Africa in general. Another factor in creating such a program will be explored in the justification area. Here we will see how Western approaches do not always do justice to an African reality and an indigenous approach is one whose time has come.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Contemporary Music; Jazz Performance; curriculum; Uganda; Africa


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), project video (.mp4).

Developing A Curriculum For A Contemporary Music (Jazz) Performance Undergraduate Program in Uganda
