100 Days of Jams

100 Days of Jams


Davis West


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This project is an intensive compositional, collaborative, and artist identity project which focuses on developing methods to create music, and how to publicize content in an entertaining, interesting, or otherwise publicly accessible manner. For one hundred days, I composed original music, paired it to video, and uploaded to social media. Half were done solo, half were “jams” or collaborations with others. Along the way, all the data were collected and analyzed to formulate musical decisions. Certain examples are explained theoretically to identify personal musical habits, which then shaped later compositions; some worked and were used as models, others were not so smooth, so I learned what to avoid. Technology like Ableton was implemented to make each individual jam look and sound nicely produced, as well as look unique and entertaining. Social media analytics were taken from Facebook and Instagram, with focus on followers, views, likes, and comments. This data also formulated artistic decisions in the creative process. I hope this project may inspire future musicians to try their hand at creating original content and shed a light on how to keep the creative process intriguing for the creator and the audience.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


composition; jam; collaboration; Ableton; creative process; analysis


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), videos (ZIP file containing 100 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

100 Days of Jams
