Huntress: from Dark to Light

Huntress: from Dark to Light


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Huntress: from Dark to Light is a concept album with 8 original songs, music videos, and press photos, and includes an artist identity and a press and marketing plan all to help me establish myself in the music industry. Huntress is my second conceptual album and is heavily inspired by Diana, the Roman Goddess of the hunt and moon. It presents and explores the female archetype of the “huntress” through expressions of female empowerment, love, vulnerability, and primal desires. Through creating this project, I’ve learned how to record an album, create a release campaign, and become a more dynamic artist. This projected increased my technical skills in Pro Tools, recording, and editing; my music business skills in branding, marketing, creative concepts, and social media; and unleashed my creativity in a studio setting.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


concept album; feminism; artist identity; strategic development; creative concepts; marketing


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 11 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), leadhseets (ZIP file containing 8 .pdf documents).

Huntress: from Dark to Light
