Music and Alzheimer's and Related Dementias | Music and Neurodegenerative Disorders | Berklee College of Music


Submissions from 2018


Effect of Music Intervention on Apathy in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia, Q. Tang, Y. Zhou, S. Yang, W. K. S. Thomas, G. D. Smith, Z. Yang, L. Yuan, and J. W. Chung

Submissions from 2017


Song Writing With Clients Who Have Dementia: A Case Study, Bill Ahessy


Efficacy of Music Therapy in the Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia: Systematic Review, Mariângela Aparecida Rezende Aleixo, Raquel Luiza Santos, and Marcia Cristina do Nascimento Dourado


Does Music Training Facilitate the Mnemonic Effect of Song? An Exploration of Musicians and Nonmusicians With and Without Alzheimer's Dementia, A. Baird, S. Samson, L. Miller, and K. Chalmers


A Nonmusician With Severe Alzheimer's Dementia Learns a New Song, A. Baird, H. Umbach, and W. F. Thompson


The Role of the Music Therapist in Training Caregivers of People Who Have Advanced Dementia, Laura E. Beer


Retrieval of Memories With the Help of Music in Alzheimer's Disease, P. Chevreau, I. Nizard, and P. Allain


Senses Make Sense: An Individualized Multisensory Stimulation for Dementia, Y. Cui, M. Shen, Y. Ma, and S. W. Wen


Impact of Music Therapy on Dementia Behaviors: A Literature Review, N. Fakhoury, N. Wilhelm, K. F. Sobota, and K. R. Kroustos


Always in Tune: The Unforgettable Memory for Music in Alzheimer's Disease, L. Fornazzari, A. Mansur, K. O. Acuna, T. A. Schweizer, and C. E. Fischer


Music Perception in Dementia, H. L. Golden, C. N. Clark, J. M. Nicholas, M. H. Cohen, C. F. Slattery, R. W. Paterson, A. J. M. Foulkes, J. M. Schott, C. J. Mummery, S. J. Crutch, and J. D. Warren


Music Therapy and Alzheimer's Disease: Cognitive, Psychological, and Behavioural Effects, M. Gómez Gallego and J. Gómez García


Predictors of Non‐pharmacological Intervention Effect on Cognitive Function and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Older People With Dementia, Ting‐Jung Hsu, Hui‐Te Tsai, An‐Chun Hwang, Liang‐Yu Chen, and Liang‐Kung Chen


Witnesses to Transformation: Family Member Experiences Providing Individualized Music to Their Relatives With Dementia, Elizabeth Johnston, Xeno Rasmusson, Barbara Foyil, and Patricia Shopland


Assessment-based Small-group Music Therapy Programming for Individuals With Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Multi-year Clinical Project, Laurie A. Keough, Betsey King, and Theresa Lemmerman


Developing Relationships Between Care Staff and People With Dementia Through Music Therapy and Dance Movement Therapy: A Preliminary Phenomenological Study, R. Melhuish, C. Beuzeboc, and A. Guzmán


Effects of Music on Agitation in Dementia: A Meta-analysis, Siv K. A. Pedersen, Per N. Andersen, Ricardo G. Lugo, Marita Andreassen, and Stefan Sütterlin


Can Musical or Painting Interventions Improve Chronic Pain, Mood, Quality of Life, and Cognition in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial, E. Pongan, B. Tillmann, Y. Leveque, B. Trombert, J. C. Getenet, N. Auguste, V. Dauphinot, H. El Haouari, M. Navez, J. M. Dorey, P. Krolak-Salmon, B. Laurent, and I. Rouch


Music Therapy: A Nonpharmacological Approach to the Care of Agitation and Depressive Symptoms for Nursing Home Residents With Dementia, K. D. Ray and M. S. Mittelman


Characteristics of Activities for Persons With Dementia at the Mild, Moderate, and Severe Stages, N. G. Regier, N. A. Hodgson, and L. N. Gitlin


Physical Exercise With Music Maintains Activities of Daily Living in Patients With Dementia: Mihama-kiho Project Part 2, Masayuki Satoh, Jun-ichi Ogawa, Tomoko Tokita, Noriko Nakaguchi, Koji Nakao, Hirotaka Kida, and Hidekazu Tomimoto


Music Therapy for Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in the General Hospital: A Systematic Literature Review, Carol-Anne Sherriff, Jillian Mathews, Emma L. Reynish, and Susan D. Shenkin


Exploring the Impact of Music Concerts in Promoting Well-being in Dementia Care, Kagari Shibazaki and Nigel A. Marshall


Between Practice, Policy and Politics: Music Therapy and the Dementia Strategy, 2009, N. Spiro, C. L. Farrant, and M. Pavlicevic


Individualized Music Program Is Associated With Improved Outcomes for U.s. Nursing Home Residents With Dementia, K. S. Thomas, R. Baier, C. Kosar, J. Ogarek, A. Trepman, and V. Mor