Music and Alzheimer's and Related Dementias | Music and Neurodegenerative Disorders | Berklee College of Music


Submissions from 2013


Comparative Analysis of Two Musical Genres Within a Multisensory Environmental Intervention, K. S. Dunn and C. K. Riley-Doucet


An Overview of the Use of Music Therapy in the Context of Alzheimer's Disease: A Report of a French Expert Group, S. Guetin, K. Charras, A. Berard, C. Arbus, P. Berthelon, F. Blanc, J. P. Blayac, F. Bonte, J. P. Bouceffa, S. Clement, G. Ducourneau, F. Gzil, N. Laeng, E. Lecourt, S. Ledoux, H. Platel, C. Thomas-Anterion, J. Touchon, F. X. Vrait, and J. M. Leger


Explicit (Semantic) Memory for Music in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early-stage Alzheimer's Disease, M. Kerer, J. Marksteiner, H. Hinterhuber, G. Mazzola, G. Kemmler, H. R. Bliem, and E. M. Weiss


Music and Elderly, J. C. Leners


Musical Life Review for the Elderly With Dementia as Spiritual Care—Clinical Functions and Roles of Meaningful or Memorable Songs, Masako Otera, Hiroko Horike, and Takamasa Saito


Listening to Music and Active Music Therapy in Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia: A Crossover Study, A. Raglio, D. Bellandi, P. Baiardi, M. Gianotti, M. C. Ubezio, and E. Granieri


Meeting the Complex Needs of Individuals With Dementia Through Music Therapy, Concetta M. Tomaino

Submissions from 2012


Connecting Through Music: A Study of a Spousal Caregiver-directed Music Intervention Designed to Prolong Fulfilling Relationships in Couples Where One Person Has Dementia, Felicity A. Baker, Denise Grocke, and Nancy A. Pachana


Stam Protocol in Dementia: A Multicenter, Single-blind, Randomized, and Controlled Trial, E. Ceccato, G. Vigato, C. Bonetto, A. Bevilacqua, P. Pizziolo, S. Crociani, E. Zanfretta, L. Pollini, P. A. Caneva, L. Baldin, C. Frongillo, A. Signorini, S. Demoro, and E. Barchi


Short and Longer Term Effects of Musical Intervention in Severe Alzheimer's Disease, Sylvain Clément, Audrey Tonini, Fatiha Khatir, Loris Schiaratura, and Séverine Samsony


Memory for Melodies and Lyrics in Alzheimer's Disease, Lola L. Cuddy, Jacalyn M. Duffin, Sudeep S. Gill, Cassandra L. Brown, Ritu Sikka, and Ashley D. Vanstone


The Involuntary Nature of Music-evoked Autobiographical Memories in Alzheimer's Disease, M. El Haj, L. Fasotti, and P. Allain


Perception and Emotional Judgments of Music in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type: A Short Case Study, Lise Gagnon, Nathalie Gosselin, Véronique Provencher, and Nathalie Bier


Brain Correlates of Musical and Facial Emotion Recognition: Evidence from the Dementias, S. Hsieh, M. Hornberger, O. Piguet, and J. R. Hodges


The Use of Music to Improve Exercise Participation in People With Dementia: A Pilot Study, Lauren Johnson, Eric James Deatrick, and Kathryn Oriel


With Love from Me to Me: Using Songwriting to Teach Coping Skills to Caregivers of Those With Alzheimer's and Other Dementias, Claire M. Klein and Michael J. Silverman


The Effect of Pre-meal, Vocal Re-creative Music Therapy on Nutritional Intake of Residents With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: A Pilot Study, Larisa McHugh, Susan Gardstrom, James Hiller, Megan Brewer, and Wiekbe S. Diestelkamp


Improvement of Autobiographic Memory Recovery by Means of Sad Music in Alzheimer's Disease Type Dementia, J. J. Meilán García, R. Iodice, J. Carro, J. A. Sánchez, F. Palmero, and A. M. Mateos


Music Therapy in Frontal Temporal Dementia: A Case Report, A. Raglio, D. Bellandi, P. Baiardi, M. Gianotti, M. C. Ubezio, and E. Granieri


Music, Music Therapy and Dementia: A Review of Literature and the Recommendations of the Italian Gsychogeriatric Association, A. Raglio, G. Bellelli, P. Mazzola, D. Bellandi, A. R. Giovagnoli, E. Farina, M. Stramba-Badiale, S. Gentile, M. V. Gianelli, M. C. Ubezio, O. Zanetti, and M. Trabucchi


Music, Emotion, and Dementia: Insight from Neuroscientific and Clinical Research, Teppo Särkämö, Sari Laitinen, Mari Tervaniemi, Ava Numminen, Merja Kurki, and Pekka Rantanen


Music-based Memory Enhancement in Alzheimer's Disease: Promise and Limitations, N. R. Simmons-Stern, R. G. Deason, B. J. Brandler, B. S. Frustace, M. K. O'Connor, B. A. Ally, and A. E. Budson

Submissions from 2011


A Pilot Usability Study of MINWii, a Music Therapy Game for Demented Patients, M. Boulay, S. Benveniste, S. Boespflug, P. Jouvelot, and A. S. Rigaud


The Comprehensive Process Model of Engagement, J. Cohen-Mansfield, M. S. Marx, L. S. Freedman, H. Murad, N. G. Regier, K. Thein, and M. Dakheel-Ali


The Impact of Singing in Caring for a Person With Dementia: Single Case Analysis of Video Recorded Sessions, Gabriella Engström, Lena Marmstål Hammar, Christine Williams, and Eva Götell