Music and Alzheimer's and Related Dementias | Music and Neurodegenerative Disorders | Berklee College of Music


Submissions from 2015


Participation in Active Singing Leads to Cognitive Improvements in Individuals With Dementia, Linda E. Maguire, Patricia B. Wanschura, Margorie M. Battaglia, Stefanie N. Howell, and Jane M. Flinn


Dementia and the Power of Music Therapy, Steve Matthews


What I Want to Do Is Get Half a Dozen of Them and Go and See Simon Cowell': Reflecting on Participation and Outcomes for People With Dementia Taking Part in a Creative Musical Project, L. McCabe, C. Greasley-Adams, and K. Goodson


The Development of Music in Dementia Assessment Scales (MIDAS), Orii McDermott, Martin Orrell, and Hanne Mette Ridder


Music Enhances Verbal Episodic Memory in Alzheimer's Disease, J. Palisson, C. Roussel-Baclet, D. Maillet, C. Belin, J. Ankri, and P. Narme


The ‘Ripple Effect’: Towards Researching Improvisational Music Therapy in Dementia Care Homes, Mercédès Pavlicevic, Giorgos Tsiris, Stuart Wood, Harriet Powell, Janet Graham, Richard Sanderson, Rachel Millman, and Jane Gibson


Efficacy of Musical Interventions in Dementia: Methodological Requirements of Nonpharmacological Trials, S. Samson, S. Clément, P. Narme, L. Schiaratura, and N. Ehrlé


Cognitive, Emotional, and Neural Benefits of Musical Leisure Activities in Stroke and Dementia, T. Sarkamo and M. Tervaniemi


Time Series Analysis of Individual Music Therapy in Dementia: Effects on Communication Behavior and Emotional Well-being, Arthur Schall, Julia Haberstroh, and Johannes Pantel


What Carers and Family Said About Music Therapy on Behaviours of Older People With Dementia in Residential Aged Care, A. G. Tuckett, B. Hodgkinson, L. Rouillon, T. Balil-Lozoya, and D. Parker

Submissions from 2014


Music Therapy and Cognitive Capacity in People With Alzheimer’s Disease: A Call for Action, Alberto Cabedo-Mas and Diego Moliner-Urdiales


The Role of Singing Familiar Songs in Encouraging Conversation Among People With Middle to Late Stage Alzheimer's Disease, A. Dassa and D. Amir


Active Music Therapy Improves Cognition and Behaviour in Chronic Vascular Encephalopathy: A Case Report, A. R. Giovagnoli, S. Oliveri, L. Schifano, and A. Raglio


But Does it Do Any Good? Measuring the Impact of Music Therapy on People With Advanced Dementia: (innovative Practice), K. Gold


An Intergenerational Choir Formed to Lessen Alzheimer’s Disease Stigma in College Students and Decrease the Social Isolation of People With Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Family Members: A Pilot Study, Phyllis Braudy Harris and Cynthia Anne Caporella


A Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of Music in Dementia Assessment Scales (MIDAS), O. McDermott, V. Orgeta, H. M. Ridder, and M. Orrell


The Importance of Music for People With Dementia: The Perspectives of People With Dementia, Family Carers, Staff and Music Therapists, Orii McDermott, Martin Orrell, and Hanne Mette Ridder


Global Music Approach to Persons With Dementia: Evidence and Practice, A. Raglio, S. Filippi, D. Bellandi, and M. Stramba-Badiale


Music-assisted Bathing: Making Shower Time Easier for People With Dementia, K. D. Ray and S. Fitzsimmons


The Effects of Physical Exercise With Music on Cognitive Function of Elderly People: Mihama-kiho Project, M. Satoh, J. Ogawa, T. Tokita, N. Nakaguchi, K. Nakao, H. Kida, and H. Tomimoto


Effects of Group Music Therapy on Quality of Life, Affect, and Participation in People With Varying Levels of Dementia, C. Solé, M. Mercadal-Brotons, A. Galati, and M. De Castro


Effect of Music Therapy Versus Recreational Activities on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Elderly Adults With Dementia: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial, A. C. Vink, M. Zuidersma, F. Boersma, P. de Jonge, S. U. Zuidema, and J. P. Slaets

Submissions from 2013


Familiar Music as an Enhancer of Self-consciousness in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease, E. M. Arroyo-Anlló, J. P. Díaz, and R. Gil


Exploration of Verbal and Non-verbal Semantic Knowledge and Autobiographical Memories Starting from Popular Songs in Alzheimer's Disease, S. Basaglia-Pappas, M. Laterza, C. Borg, A. Richard-Mornas, E. Favre, and C. Thomas-Antérion


Mentalising Music in Frontotemporal Dementia, L. E. Downey, A. Blezat, J. Nicholas, R. Omar, H. L. Golden, C. J. Mahoney, S. J. Crutch, and J. D. Warren