Submissions from 2011
Evaluation of a TEACCH- and Music Therapy-based Psychological Intervention in Mild to Moderate Dementia: A Controlled Trial, Christian Fischer-Terworth and Paul Probst
Finding the Key to Communion—Caregivers’ Experience of ‘Music Therapeutic Caregiving’ in Dementia Care: A Qualitative Analysis, Lena Marmstål Hammar, Azita Emami, Gabriella Engström, and Eva Götell
The Impact of Caregivers' Singing on Expressions of Emotion and Resistance During Morning Care Situations in Persons With Dementia: An Intervention in Dementia Care, Lena M. Hammar, Azita Emami, Eva Götell, and Gabriella Engström
Communicating Through Caregiver Singing During Morning Care Situations in Dementia Care, L. M. Hammar, A. Emami, G. Engström, and E. Götell
Home-based Music Strategies With Individuals Who Have Dementia and Their Family Caregivers, S. B. Hanser, J. Butterfield-Whitcomb, M. Kawata, and B. E. Collins
Songwriting Oriented Activities Improve the Cognitive Functions of the Aged With Dementia, In Sil Hong and Min Joo Choi
Neural Basis of Music Knowledge: Evidence from the Dementias, S. Hsieh, M. Hornberger, O. Piguet, and J. R. Hodges
Music Recognition in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Alzheimer Disease, J. K. Johnson, C. C. Chang, S. M. Brambati, R. Migliaccio, M. L. Gorno-Tempini, B. L. Miller, and P. Janata
The Effect of Baroque Music on Behavioural Disturbances in Patients With Dementia, B. K. Nair, C. Heim, C. Krishnan, C. D'Este, J. Marley, and J. Attia
The Structural Neuroanatomy of Music Emotion Recognition: Evidence from Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration, R. Omar, S. M. Henley, J. W. Bartlett, J. C. Hailstone, E. Gordon, D. A. Sauter, C. Frost, S. K. Scott, and J. D. Warren
Exploring Nursing Staff’s Attitudes and Use of Music for Older People With Dementia in Long‐term Care Facilities, Huei‐Chuan Sung, Wen‐Li Lee, Shu‐Min Chang, and Graeme D. Smith
Submissions from 2010
Effects of the Therapist's Nonverbal Behavior on Participation and Affect of Individuals With Alzheimer's Disease During Group Music Therapy Sessions, Andrea M. Cevasco
The Effect of a Music Programme During Lunchtime on the Problem Behaviour of the Older Residents With Dementia at an Institution in Taiwan, F. Y. Chang, H. C. Huang, K. C. Lin, and L. C. Lin
The Singer or the Singing: Who Sings Individually to Persons With Dementia and What Are the Effects?, W. Chatterton, F. Baker, and K. Morgan
Can Agitated Behavior of Nursing Home Residents With Dementia Be Prevented With the Use of Standardized Stimuli?, J. Cohen-Mansfield, M. S. Marx, M. Dakheel-Ali, N. G. Regier, K. Thein, and L. Freedman
Evidence-based Guideline. Individualized Music for Elders With Dementia, L. A. Gerdner and D. P. Schoenfelder
A Controlled Naturalistic Study on a Weekly Music Therapy and Activity Program on Disruptive and Depressive Behaviors in Dementia, Peimin Han, Melanie Kwan, Denise Chen, Siti Zubaidah Yusoff, Hui Ling Chionh, Jenny Goh, and Philip Yap
Delivering a Music Intervention in a Randomized Controlled Trial Involving Older People With Dementia: Musician Experiences and Reflections, Scott Harrison, Marie Cooke, Wendy Moyle, David Shum, and Jenny Murfield
Development of a Music Intervention Protocol and Its Effect on Participant Engagement: Experiences from a Randomised Controlled Trial With Older People With Dementia, Scott Harrison, Marie Cooke, Wendy Moyle, David Shum, and Jenny Elaine Murfield
Non-pharmacological Approaches for Dementia That Informal Carers Might Try or Access: A Systematic Review, C. Hulme, J. Wright, T. Crocker, Y. Oluboyede, and A. House
Using Music to Decrease Disruptive Vocalizations in a Man With Dementia, Janine M. Locke and Oliver C. Mudford
The Cognitive Organization of Music Knowledge: A Clinical Analysis, R. Omar, J. C. Hailstone, J. E. Warren, S. J. Crutch, and J. D. Warren
Effects of Music Therapy on Psychological Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability in Patients With Dementia. A Pilot Study, A. Raglio, O. Oasi, M. Gianotti, V. Manzoni, S. Bolis, M. C. Ubezio, S. Gentile, D. Villani, and M. Stramba-Badiale
Musical Memory in Alzheimer Disease, A. D. Vanstone and L. L. Cuddy
Evaluations of Dementia by EEG Frequency Analysis and Psychological Examination, H. Yoshimura, S. Morimoto, M. Okuro, N. Segami, and N. Kato