Music and Alzheimer's and Related Dementias | Music and Neurodegenerative Disorders | Berklee College of Music


Submissions from 2003


Music Therapy With Alzheimer's Patients and Their Family Caregivers: A Pilot Project, M. Brotons and P. Marti


Comparison of Different Methods for Eliciting Exercise-to-music for Clients With Alzheimer's Disease, A. M. Cevasco and R. E. Grant


Musical Skill in Dementia: A Violinist Presumed to Have Alzheimer's Disease Learns to Play a New Song, A. Cowles, W. W. Beatty, S. J. Nixon, L. J. Lutz, J. Paulk, K. Paulk, and E. D. Ross


Influence of Caregiver Singing and Background Music on Posture, Movement, and Sensory Awareness in Dementia Care, E. Götell, S. Brown, and S. L. Ekman


Implicit and Explicit Emotional Memory for Melodies in Alzheimer's Disease and Depression, N. Quoniam, A. M. Ergis, P. Fossati, I. Peretz, S. Samson, M. Sarazin, and J. F. Allilaire


Nothing to Say, Something to Sing: Primary Progressive Dynamic Aphasia, J. D. Warren, J. E. Warren, N. C. Fox, and E. K. Warrington

Submissions from 2002


The Effects of Music Therapy on Engagement in Family Caregiver and Care Receiver Couples With Dementia, A. A. Clair


Caregiver Singing and Background Music in Dementia Care, E. Götell, S. Brown, and S. L. Ekman


Music Listening for Maintaining Attention of Older Adults With Cognitive Impairments, D. Gregory


Calming Music and Hand Massage With Agitated Elderly, Ruth Remington

Submissions from 2001


Music-therapeutic Caregiving': The Necessity of Active Music-making in Clinical Care, Steven Brown, Eva Götell, and Sirkka-Liisa Ekman


The Effect of Auditory Stimulation on Autobiographical Recall in Dementia, N. A. Foster and E. R. Valentine


The Effect of Presentation and Accompaniment Styles on Attentional and Responsive Behaviors of Participants With Dementia Diagnoses, R. Groene


Using Music Therapy to Help a Client With Alzheimer's Disease Adapt to Long-term Care, P. Kydd


The Use of Music to Decrease Agitated Behaviour of the Demented Elderly: The State of the Science, M. F. Lou


Brief In-service Training in Music Therapy for Activity Aides: Increasing Engagement of Persons With Dementia in Rhythm Activities, R. Mark Mathews, Alicia A. Clair, and Karl Kosloski


Keeping the Beat: Use of Rhythmic Music During Exercise Activities for the Elderly With Dementia, R. M. Mathews, A. A. Clair, and K. Kosloski


Assessment in Music Therapy With Clients Suffering from Dementia, Niseema Marie Munk-Madsen


The Beat of a Different Drummer: Music Therapy's Role in Dementia Respite Care, Anna Yaya Kelleher

Submissions from 2000


The Effect of Reminiscence Music Therapy Sessions on Changes in Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Persons With Dementia, S. Ashida


The Impact of Music Therapy on Language Functioning in Dementia, M. Brotons and S. M. Koger


Effects of Individualized Versus Classical "Relaxation" Music on the Frequency of Agitation in Elderly Persons With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, L. A. Gerdner


Music, Art, and Recreational Therapies in the Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, Linda A. Gerdner


Pop Music and Frontotemporal Dementia, C. Geroldi, T. Metitieri, G. Binetti, O. Zanetti, M. Trabucchi, and G. B. Frisoni


Caregiver-assisted Music Events in Psychogeriatric Care, E. Götell, S. Brown, and S. L. Ekman