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Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.
Talking About Music: Interviews with Disabled and Nondisabled Children, Judith A. Jellison and Patricia J. Flowers
State Certification Standards for Teachers of Students with Learning Disabilities: An Update, Amelia A. Jenkins, James Leigh, and James Patton
Not Another Inservice!: Meeting the Special Education Professional Development Needs of Elementary General Educators, Amelia A. Jenkins and Jodi Yoshimura
Including Students With Disabilities and English Learners in Measures of Educator Effectiveness, Nathan D. Jones, Heather M. Buzick, and Sultan Turkan
Teaching Students with Disabilities: A Review of Music Education Research as it Relates to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Sarah K. Jones
Inclusion Policy in Practice, Karen Keifer-Boyd and Leah Michelle Kraft
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Student Populations: Comprehensive Professional Development in Science, Math, and Technology for Teachers of Students With Disabilities, Howard Kimmel, Fadi Deek, Mark O'Shea, and Mary Farrell
Religion and Attitudes of College Preservice Teachers toward Students with Disabilities: Implications for Higher Education, Yona Leyser and Shlomo Romi
Teachers' Professional Development in a Climate of Educational Reform. NCREST Reprint Series, Judith Warren Little
Teacher Education to Enhance the Quality of Special Education in Japan, Giichi Masawa, Masao Seo, and Shinro Kusanagi
Elementary Preservice Science Teaching Efficacy and Attitude toward Science: Can a College Science Course Make a Difference?, Madelon McCall
Children with Disabilities Playing Musical Instruments: With the Right Adaptations and Help from Their Teachers and Parents, Students with Disabilities Can Play Musical Instruments, Kimberly McCord and Margaret Fitzgerald
Professional Development for Administrators in Special Education: Evaluation of a Program for Underrepresented Personnel, Dianne S. Monteith
Individualized Education Programs in Art: Benefit or Burden?, Lanny Morreau and Frances E. Anderson
Task Analysis in Art: Building Skills and Success for Handicapped Learners, Lanny Morreau and Frances E. Anderson
Preparing Teachers as Collaborators in Special Education, Catherine V. Morsink
Piano Teacher Resources – 20 Games & Ideas to Make Your Lessons Fun,
Inservice Programs in Learning Disabilities. A Position Paper of the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, September 27, 1981, National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities
Issues in the Delivery of Educational Services to Individuals with Learning Disabilities. A Position Paper of the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, February 21, 1982, National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities: Preservice Preparation of General and Special Education Teachers, National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities
Virtual Gallery tours of antique instruments:, National Music Museum
Competencies for Professionals in Learning Disabilities, Phyllis L. Newcomer
Does Teacher Education Produce Better Special Education Teachers?, Andre A. Nougaret, Thomas E. Scruggs, and Margo A. Mastropieri
Conceptualizing Teacher Professional Learning, V. Darleen Opfer and David Pedder