ABLE Articles | ABLE Resource Center Formats | Berklee College of Music

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Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.


ABLE Assembly Conference Session Materials


Inspire Student Confidence and Independence through Perseverance and Growth in the Arts, Adam Goldberg


Using Design Examples in Arts Courses as On-Going Advocacy for Inclusion in Art and Design Teaching and Projects, Samantha Goss

When They See Us: Intersectionality and Ableism in Special Education, Aliza Greenberg and Alyssa Liles-Amponsah

At the Intersection of Culturally Responsive Teaching and Universal Design, Alicia Greene and Celia Watson

Parenting Stress in Chinese Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sai Guo

Individualized Artist Success Plan: An Asset-Based Perspective on Dis/Ability, The, Christopher Hall

What Are We Teaching Teachers: A Call to Reimagine Inclusivity in Art Education, Christopher Hanson

What Are We Teaching Teachers: A Call to Reimagine Inclusivity in Art Education, Christopher Hanson

CSI Drumming: Drumset Fundamentals, Gretchen Hary

Disability Justice in University Theatre Programs, Carson Hebblethwaite and Amanda Masterpaul

Inclusion and Diversity at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (MDW): All Stars Inclusive Band, Beate Hennenberg

How Can Heterogeneity Be Countered with the Help of Digital Media, Beatte Hennenberg

Harmony of Diverse Voices: A Personal Narrative from Inside a Mixed-ability Choir, Rita Hoffman

A Capella Intonation Success with Harmonic Sound Models, Geoffrey Keith

Beatboxing as Music Education for Students with Disabilties: Bringing Education and Art Together (BEAT), James Kim and Johnny Buffalo

Advancing Equity Through Reasonable Accommodation in Music Education, Sanna Kivijärvi and Pauli Rautiainen

Engaging Teens in Conversations of Race and Disability: Developing An Action Plan For Your High School Drama Club or Local Youth Theater Company, Tara Mansour

Autism, Technology, and Music: Alternative Ways of Composing and Performing Music, Tomas Marquez

Blending Music and Art with Evidence-Based Practices: An Arts Education model for Students with Severe Disabilities, Kayla McLaughlin

Anxiety-Reducing Drawing Activities: Introduction to the Data Colletion Process, Alexandra Montgomery

Verbatim Bodies: for a Theater that Emerges from the Physicality of the Performers, Tra Nguyen


Creating Accessibility in Classical Music Institutions, Erin Parkes

Coping with Hidden Identity: Creating Art to Address Workplace Isolation, Audrey Reeves

Portrayal of People with Disabilities by the Media: Current Realities and New Possibilities, The, Larry Rothstein

Mindfulness for Children with Exceptionalities: Linking Research and Teaching, Sheila Scott