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Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.
Paraprofessionals: Gatekeepers of Authentic Art Production, Julie Causton-Theoharis and Corrie Burdick
Influence of an Inclusive Education Course on Attitude Change of Pre‐service Secondary Teachers in Hong Kong, The, Stella Chong Suk Ching, Chris Forlin, and Au Mei Lan
Governing Quality in Teacher Education: Deconstructing Federal Text and Talk, Lora Cohen-Vogel and Hyland Hunt
Ten Years Later: Teachers Reflect on "Perceptions of Beginning Teachers, Their Mentors, and Administrator Regarding Preservice Music Teacher Preparation", Colleen M. Conway
Inclusive Teachers' Attitudes toward Their Students with Disabilities: A Replication and Extension, Bryan G. Cook
Preparing for Alternative Course Delivery during Covid-19, Cornell Unviersity
Study of the Liabilities Concerning Exclusion from Non-Curricular Studies (Instrumental Music) in the Public Schools, A, S. Joseph Corral
Legal Aspects of Teaching Music Students with Disabilities, Jean B. Crockett
There Are No Cows Here: Art and Special Education Together at Last, Connie Dalk
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): What It Means for Students With Disabilities and Music Educators, The, Alice-Ann Darrow
Meaningful Collaboration in the Inclusive Music Classroom: Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Alice-Ann Darrow
Qualitative Research, Professional Development and the Role of Teacher Educators: Fitness for Purpose, Christopher W. Day
Reflection: A Necessary but Not Sufficient Condition for Professional Development, Christopher W. Day
Art Means Work, Michael Day
Confronting Ableism: Disability Studies Pedagogy in Preservice Art Education., John Derby
Disability Studies and Art Education, John Derby
Art Therapy and the Sexually Abused Child, Phoebe Dufrene
Classroom Management: A Critical Part of Educational Psychology, With Implications for Teacher Education, Edmund T. Emmer and Laura M. Stough
Special Education Professional Development Schools: Why Do Candidates Choose to Participate?, Mary C. Esposito, Dawn H. Berlin, and Sirley Lal
Assessing Musical Achievement in Students with Disabilities and Impairments, Helen Farrell
Novice-Service Language Teacher Development: Bridging the Gap Between Preservice and In-Service Education and Development, Thomas C. Farrel
Professional Development Needs of Secondary School Principals of Collaborative-Based Service Delivery Models, Regina M. Foley
Preparing General Educators to Work Well with Students Who Have Disabilities: What's Reasonable at the Preservice Level?, Alison Ford, Marleen C. Pugach, and Amy Otis-Wilborn
Teacher Burnout in Special Education: The Causes and the Recommended Solutions, Cecill Fore, Christopher Martin, and William N. Bender