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Please note, some items contain out of date language. The phrase “special needs” is no longer in current use within the BIAAE. We know that language is no substitute for action, but we hope this change will reflect our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for the communities we serve.
Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised (SACIE-R) Scale for Measuring Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions about Inclusion, The, Chris Forlin, Chris Earle, Tim Loreman, and Umesh Sharma
Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised (SACIE-R) Scale for Measuring Pre-Service Perceptions Teachers' Perception about Inclusion, The, Christine Forlin, Chris Earle, Tim Loreman, and Umesh Sharma
Writing the Arts into Individualized Educational Programs, Sondra B. Gair
What Makes Professional Development Effective? Results from a National Sample of Teachers, Michael S. Garet, Andrew C. Porter, Laura Desimone, Beatrice F. Birman, and Kwang Suk Yoon
Circle of Clay, A, Peter J. Geisser
Rhode Island School for the Deaf, The, Peter J. Geisser and Peter London
Making Collaborative Teaching More Effective for Academically Able Students: Recommendations for Implementation and Training, Paul J. Gerber and Patricia A. Popp
Conditions That Facilitate Music Learning Among Students With Special Needs: A Mixed-Methods Inquiry, Kevin Gerrity, Ryan Hourigan, and Patrick Horton
Teacher Study Group: Impact of the Professional Development Model on Reading Instruction and Student Outcomes in First Grade Classrooms, Russell Gersten, Joseph Dimino, Madhavi Jayanthi, James Kim, and Lana Edwards Santoro
Mainstreaming: Music Educators' Participation and Professional Needs, Janet Perkins Gilbert and Edward P. Asmus
Ethnicity, Exceptionality, and Teacher Education, Grace E. Grant
Students with Disabilities in the Art Classroom: How Prepared Are We?, Doris M. Guay
Improvised Musical Play: A Strategy for Fostering Social Play Between Developmentally Delayed and Nondelayed Preschool Children, Andrew Gunsberg
Amy and Drew: Two Children Who Helped Determine What Free Appropriate Public Education Means, Alice Hammel
Inclusion Strategies That Work, Alice Hammel
Preparation for Teaching Special Learners: Twenty Years of Practice, Alice Hammel
Special Learners in Elementary Music Classrooms: A Study of Essential Teacher Competencies, Alice Hammel
"The Big Four": Music reaching and Students with Special Needs, Alice Hammel
Maintaining Our Proud History of Teaching Music to Students with Disabilities, Alice Hammel and Alice-Ann Darrow
Do Social and Cognitive Deficits Curtail Musical Understanding? Evidence from Autism and Down Syndrome, Pamela Heaton, Rory Allen, Kerry Williams, Omar Cummins, and Francesa Happe
Methodological Content of Teacher Education Programs in Learning Disabilities: Clearly Specialized and Impressively Current: Another View of Pugach and Whitten's Survey Results, The, William H. Heward and Timothy E. Heron
Music, Technology and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Effectiveness of the Touch Screen Interface, Ashleigh Hillier, Gena Greher, Alexa Queenan, Savannah Marshal, and Justin Kopec
Teaching Music to Children with Autism: Understandings and Perspectives, Ryan Hourigan and Amy Hourigan
Preservice Music Teachers' Perceptions of Fieldwork Experiences in a Special Needs Classroom, Ryan M. Hourigan
Understanding the Mind of a Student with Autism in Music Class, Ryan M. Hourrigan and Alice Hammel